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22nd EU-NGO Human Rights Forum looks into impact of new technologies on human rights

December 11,2020 15:04

EU NEIGHBOURS. The impact of new technologies on human rights is the theme of the 22nd annual EU-NGO Human Rights Forum that is taking place online on 9 and 10 December 2020. The aim of the Forum is to explore the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation and notably for civil society and human rights defenders.

It is organised by the European Union External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission, together with the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN), the Brussels based network of NGOs operating in the areas of human rights and democracy.

The High Representative and Vice President Josep Borrell and Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen will deliver a video speech. And many other high-level speakers will share their views, from the High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet to the EU Special Representative for Human Rights Eamon Gilmore, the Fundamental Rights Agency Director Michael O’Flaherty, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), and representative from emblematic NGOs.

Several hundreds of human rights defenders and civil society organisations from across the world will join the discussions, exchange best practices and make recommendations on EU digital policies and external action.

For the first time, it will be held entirely virtually. Many sessions will be interactive and the general public may also follow a number of the web streamed sessions here.

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