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‘The “foreign agent” legislation goes against Russia’s obligations and commitments under European and international human rights law, including the relevant Venice Commission opinions’: EEAS

December 18,2020 16:07

Russia: Statement by the Spokesperson on the amendments to the “foreign agents” law

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is considering legislation that would further restrict the activities of foreign NGOs and NGOs recognised as so-called “foreign agents”.

The European Union has repeatedly condemned the Russian legislation on “foreign agents” since its adoption in 2012. We reiterate our longstanding and clear position that this legislation contributes to a systematic infringement of basic freedoms, and restricts civil society, independent media and the rights of political opposition in Russia. The “foreign agent” legislation goes against Russia’s obligations and commitments under European and international human rights law, including the relevant Venice Commission opinions.

We support the call by the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights to repeal these legislative proposals.


European Union

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