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‘What Meghri? Has anyone ever said anything about Meghri? No, they haven’t’: Ruben Rubinyan

December 28,2020 16:40

“This discussion is very strange, in my opinion, because we should be discussing the draft regarding soldiers’ life and health, but instead, we are discussing everything besides that,” My Step deputy and chair of the National Assembly Foreign Relations Committee, Ruben Rubinyan, said during an extraordinary session of parliament.

Before he began to speak, the Prosperous Armenia deputies left parliament at once.

Rubinyan said, “The Vice Speaker of the National Assembly, Mr. Enfiajyan, comes here and spreads Azerbaijani misinformation from this podium. He said that we must discuss the clashes in the Zangelan region. And that’s after some Azerbaijani wrote about that and then later denied it. Some Azerbaijani’s post is repeated by the Vice Speaker from the National Assembly podium. The Ministry of Defense made an announcement regarding Hadrut. Mrs. Isayan spoke about Meghri, implying that Meghri will be handed over. They’re not here for me to speak to them directly, but I will address their empty chairs. What Meghri? Has anyone ever said anything about Meghri? No, they haven’t. The opposition comes here and says that the ruling party is terrible and must resign. The ruling party says fine, let’s hold snap elections so that the people can decide if we should leave or not. If they decide so, we will leave, but if not, we won’t. And no response. The only response we could have heard was from Mr. Marukyan. He said that there will be difficulties regarding holding elections. Great, Mr. Marukyan, let’s discuss those difficulties and resolve them. But in the end there needs to be a consensus among the parliamentary factions that the only legitimate source of power is the people’s vote. My Step agrees, but what do Prosperous Armenia and Bright Armenia think?”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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