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Programs of social assistance in teamwork with NGOs

January 06,2021 11:30

The Department of Social Welfare of the Municipality of Yerevan cooperated with a number of NGOs including “Take care” charity NGO to provide social aid to the families which have to reside in Yerevan as a result of the 44-day Artsakh war.

“Take care” NGO not only provided the families with aid packages but also participated in packing 110 tons of food products sent to the community of Yerevan within the frames of the UN World Food Programme. These packages will also be distributed to needy families.

The First Deputy Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan, head of the Department of Children and Social Protection Lusine Hovhannisyan, representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs were present at the final event of the NGO.

Special gratitude was expressed to the Municipality for the cooperation.

Municipality of Yerevan

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