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EU4Business in Armenia: Tourism Innovation Academy calls for tourism ideas for Lori, Shirak and Tavush regions

January 14,2021 10:30

EU NEIGHBOURS. The Tourism Innovation Academy (TIA) in Armenia is looking for innovative and sustainable tourism-related ideas that tackle economic, social and environmental challenges in the tourism sector, with emphasis on the regions of Lori, Shirak and Tavush.

TIA is implemented by the Tourism Support Centre Foundation and funded by the EU4Business ‘Innovative Tourism and Technology Development for Armenia’ Project, in cooperation with Impact Hub Yerevan.

Selected candidates – start-up teams, SMEs, enterprises and individuals – will participate in Idea Validation Workshops organised by Academy.

The Idea Validation Workshops will give selected projects the opportunity to:

  • Connect with the innovation community, validate their ideas and prepare to apply for the second stage of the Tourism Innovation Academy project, which is a 3-month Tourism Startup Incubation Programme.
  • Gain the necessary entrepreneurship knowledge and pitching skills to prepare them for an upcoming Call for Proposals for EU4Business Tourism Grants.

Projects receiving a grant will get access to further, more intense and tailored startup support through an eight-month Pre-acceleration and Acceleration Programme towards the successful implementation of their projects.

The call, which closes on 17 January, intends to support ideas, which apply a new business model or use new technological, marketing, organisational or product/service delivery methods.

TIA encourages applications from women-led start-ups and/or gender-balanced teams and entrepreneurial talents who have limited access to resources, including disabled persons, youth, displaced persons and marginalised communities from rural and/or remote areas.

Photo: European Union

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