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On January 18-19, in the evening of 20 from time to time precipitation is predicted, on 19 in the form of snow

January 16,2021 17:25

In the Republic

In the daytime of January 16, in the daytime of 20, in the evening of 21 in separate regions, on 18-19, in the evening of 20 in most regions precipitation is predicted, in mountainous areas – in the form of snow, in the foothills and valleys – in the form of wet snow and snowy rain and on 19 in the form of snow everywhere. On January 17, in the daytime of 21 no precipitation is predicted.

South wind speed is 5-8 m/s, in separate places the wind intensification speed is 18-23 m/s.

The air temperature on 19-21 will gradually go down by 12-15 degrees.

In Yerevan

In the daytime of January 16, on 17, in the daytime of 20, on 21 no precipitation is predicted. On January 18-19, in the evening of 20 from time to time precipitation is predicted, on 19 in the form of snow.

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia

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