How I See America
Day newsfeed

Hypocrisy as it is

January 20,2021 01:00
International press fully, scene by scene, episode by episode, is covering the new season of “Alexei Navalny” blockbuster political series.
Mysterious poisoning, detective story of transfer to Europe, miraculous recovery, soapy family melodrama with wife, courageous decision to return, almost online broadcasting of the flight, mass-scenes in the aeroport, dramatic detention and heroic epistolary from the jail.
Here I don’t reflect on Russia-EU relationships or on Russian domestic politics.
The driving force for this post is another hypocritical appearance of international community.
The same double standards from the same influential circle of the institutions and people that were so reluctant to the tragedy of Armenians during the 44 days of war against corrupted Azerbaijan, bloody Turkey and islamist merciless mercenaries.
And now, after almost 70 days of the end of the hostilities this “civilized world” shows no interest in the fate of more than hundred Armenians detained by Azerbaijan under the most brutal and inhuman conditions, being tortured, humiliated and even killed.
What we face by comparison of these two cases is a real-politics. Real politics which is not interested in ordinary, real people…

Armen Ashotyan

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