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Nikol Pashinyan: ‘The public administration system needs a restart, which should start with the Office of the Prime Minister’

January 20,2021 11:11

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan introduced newly appointed Chief of the Office of the Prime Minister Arsen Torosyan. The Premier thanked Eduard Aghajanyan for the work done during his tenure, noting that he assumed the post in a difficult situation. “Mr. Aghajanyan assumed office in challenging times and he did his job with honor. No secret, Mr. Aghajanyan is my political associate, and he continues to be so. I am convinced that we will continue our joint path,” Nikol Pashinyan said.

The Prime Minister wished every success to Arsen Torosyan in his new status and formulated the task set before him. “All of us and the public administration system, in general, as the entity responsible for the situation in the country, have gone through difficult times. The war was a big challenge for all of us. The post-war period implies many difficulties and challenges that need to be managed effectively. It should not be concealed that like the entire society, the public administration system was in some way shocked after the war. I cannot say that the situation today is the same as in November, but in general, we can state that the public administration system needs a restart, and that restart should definitely start with the Prime Minister’s Office. The restart is the main task set before Mr. Torosyan and each of us, in general. But those signals must first come from the Office of the Prime Minister,” he said.

According to Nikol Pashinyan, they have been facing different situations during this period, and in fact, they know the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the public administration system. “Where is it that we can do quality work? Where is it that we did not manage to do quality work? Why? We must set a new benchmark in the system of public administration, which implies better services for the population. We must upgrade the services provided to citizens,” the Prime Minister said.

Outgoing Chief of the Office of the Prime Minister Eduard Aghajanyan thanked the Head of Government for the responsible position entrusted over the past two and a half years. “It is obvious that we went through difficult days together, but we can state that we have definitely overcome those difficult days with honor. I would also like to express my special thanks to the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office, to each and every one of them for effective work done during the last two and a half years.” Eduard Aghajanyan also thanked the Offices of the Deputy Prime Ministers. “I am confident that efficiency will not decrease under the new leadership. I wish Mr. Torosyan every success,” Mr. Aghajanyan said.

In turn, Arsen Torosyan thanked the Prime Minister for entrusting him with such a responsible task. “I would like to thank Mr. Aghajanyan for his tenure-ling efforts. I wish to assure you that we will live up to the task. I also wish to assure the staff that working with me will be comfortable for everyone. I do not think we will need an analytical period; we will immediately start fulfilling our responsibilities. I am confident that we will take tangible steps in the direction you pointed out. As you mentioned, I expect the same from everyone,” the newly appointed Chief of the Office of the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the fact that there will be no transition period in Arsen Torosyan’s activity. “We cannot afford such a luxury. As a minister, you worked closely with your former staff and the work will not be new to either. I wish you every success once again,” the Prime Minister concluded.


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