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EU4Youth launches social innovation grant competition in three regions of Armenia – apply until 1 February!

January 27,2021 22:20

EU NEIGHBOURS . Applicants have until 1 February to send in their submission to take part in a grant competition for the Shirak, Tavush and Lori regions in Armenia, launched by the Green Lane NGO and the ‘EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth in Borderline Regions’ project.

The aim of the Social Innovation Competition is to identify and support projects that develop and foster social innovation and entrepreneurial ideas in these regions. The projects should focus on circular economy, climate smart decisions, sustainable resource management, tourism, social integration, health care, migration, and regional strategies aiming at economic diversification and living standards improvement. The financial assistance is aimed at helping them to address social and environmental challenges and transform their ideas into successful projects through green innovation and inclusive growth opportunities.

The main objective of the competition is to empower young people, people with disabilities, vulnerable groups living in remote, borderline villages, girls, eco-migrants and ethnic minorities. The competition is open for residents of Armenia, aged 18-29 years old, legal entities registered in Armenia, agricultural cooperatives with registered status, non-profit legal entities (non-governmental organisation, foundation, association, etc.), individual entrepreneurs, and educational institutions.

Information on all stages of the competition, deadlines and other important details can be found here.

The main goal of the EU-funded EU4Youth-SEED project is to create a favorable ecosystem for the development of social entrepreneurship and green innovation in the borderline regions of Georgia (Gori, Akhmeta, Ninotsminda) and Armenia (Lori, Tavushi, Shirak). The aim of the project is to discover the entrepreneurial potential in the most vulnerable municipalities and to promote entrepreneurship opportunities among youth.

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