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The city authorities intend to digitize all services in near future

February 03,2021 17:42

To save time and escape queues citizens send applications to the Municipality of Yerevan and get replies online just visiting website, selecting “One window” or “Electronic services” sections then choosing the type of application and downloading its form and necessary documentation list send the letter.

“Now citizens will get 3 notifications related to their e-mails: the first one at the moment of presenting the application, the second one – on starting proceedings and the third one – on the application completion. Before it, an SMS about the completion will be received”, informed the head of “Technology Management Centre of Yerevan City” CJSC Sargis Manukyan.
The Municipality also simplified inside paperwork to increase the volumes of e-services ad make them more convenient for citizens.
According to the acting Staff Secretary of Yerevan Municipality David Hambaryan, the volumes of e-applications have significantly increased since 2018.

The city authorities intend to digitize all services in near future. Until that some new services are going to be put into operation.
“This year we plan to update both the design and the work style of the official website of the Municipality of Yerevan. Besides, a number of new e-services will be put into operation which will save citizens’ time and efforts”, said the head of Information and Public Relations Department of the Municipality of Yerevan Hovsep Kubatyan.

Municipality of Yerevan

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