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Lilit Tadevosyan elected President of Court of Cassation

February 10,2021 14:48

The Supreme Judicial Council proposed Lilit Tadevosyan’s candidacy for the vacant seat of the President of the Court of Cassation. The parliament debated the item at February 9 sitting.

The Acting Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council Stepan Mikayelyan presented the candidate’s biography and the working path.

Lilit Tadevosyan talked about the independence of the judicial power, the rule of law, the judicial system activity and the ensuring of the judge’s independence. The candidate highlighted the ensuring of the justice transparency.

Answering to the MPs’ questions, he noted that during her activity, she had not been involved and in the future she would not be in the political processes. The political factor had not ever have an impact on making judicial decisions. The candidate highlighted the reforms being made in the judicial-legal sphere and the facilitation of the court overload, considered necessary the involvement of the judicial sphere specialists in those works. He underlined that the necessity of the systemized reform of the judicial-legal sphere, which would promote the further protection of human rights. Some MPs have opined that the candidate had given evasive answers, and Lilit Tadevosyan has noted that from the viewpoint of the profession she has felt constrained voicing opinions on the concrete cases, as she has no idea about them or be constrained examining those cases in the future.

Edmon Marukyan presented the viewpoint of the NA Bright Armenia Faction. He positively assessed the report, then he touched upon the MPs’ observations.

According to the Head of the NA My Step Faction Lilit Makunts, the harmony, the consolidation and the happiness greatly depend on the feeling of justice, the execution of rights and the degree of their protection. According to her, the judicial system will win if the candidate is elected.

Lilit Tadevosyan noted that regardless of independent election, she would continue to carry out her main mission – the justice. “Any problem facing the country requires systemized approach, cooperated work of all wings of power, and the judicial power outside justice field is ready for any kind of cooperation,” Tadevosyan said.

As a result of secret ballot, Lilit Tadevosyan was elected President of Court of Cassation with 102 for and 1 against votes.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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