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Amounts of compensation established for abuse and slander proposed to change

February 11,2021 21:05

The MPs propose to amend the Criminal Code for protection of the person’s honour and dignity from the false slanderous and insulting expressions: to establish up to 5mln drams of compensation instead of 1mln drams for insult, and 10mln drams of compensation up to 2mln drams for slander.

The Government proposed to ensure reasonable co-relation between the constitutional two values – freedom of speech and dignity of honour. It is worth to increase the amount of compensation not more than 2mln drams in the event of insult, 3mln drams in the event of slander.

At February 11 sitting of the National Assembly, the author of the debated draft law Alen Simonyan also talked about the international experience. It is established up to 2000 Euros of fine in Belgium, Norway and Italy. In 25 EU countries out of 28 the insult and slander are criminalized. In 21 EU countries it is designed up to imprisonment for insult and slander.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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