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Problem of captives has been key one of speeches of NA Delegation in OSCE PA Winter Sitting

March 02,2021 16:59

On February 24-26, during the OSCE PA Winter Sitting held in a virtual format the NA Delegation was the most active one. The members of the Delegation gave eight speeches, which related to the consequences of the Artsakh last war and the item of prisoners of war.

“The key items of our speeches have been the problem of captives, we voiced the artificial delay of the captives’ return, the facts of the inhuman attitude towards them and the issues of the mercenaries’ involvement in the war,” the Head of the RA NA Delegation to the OSCE PA Hayk Konjoryan underlined during March 2 press conference.

Konjoryan had a hot dispute with the Head of the Azerbaijani Delegation, noting that Azerbaijan shall urgently return the Armenian prisoners of war, towards whom inhuman attitude is shown. The Head of the Delegation has stressed that Azerbaijan violates its international obligations.

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Ann Linde, as well as the Swedish and Belgian MPs delivered speeches supporting Armenia.

The OSCE President has noted that though the military actions have been ended by the statement on ceasefire, however in long-term respect the conflict is not settled.


National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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