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‘Azerbaijan has started a fake criminal prosecution process’: The statement of the National Assembly condemning Azerbaijan’s actions

March 02,2021 20:30

“Azerbaijan grossly violates its obligations under international humanitarian law and the requirements of the interim measures applied by the European Court of Human Rights. It also hides the true number of Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians, and it delays the process of their immediate repatriation. These captives also include women,” former My Step deputy Taguhi Tovmasyan read from the National Assembly’s statement condemning Azerbaijan’s actions.

Today, the National Assembly discussed the draft statement authored by deputies Taguhi Tovmasyan, Anna Grigoryan, and Vardan Atabekyan on ‘Condemning Azerbaijan’s policy of obstructing the repatriation of prisoners of war and captured civilians under the control of Azerbaijan,’ which will be voted on in the near future, in a closed format.

According to Taguhi Tovmasyan, the statement emphasizes that Azerbaijan is holding these individuals hostage, and it is depriving these individuals of their right to legal defense. “Azerbaijan has started a fake criminal process in an attempt to deprive Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians under its control of the conditions provided by the Geneva Convention by not upholding the rights as outlined in the Convention. The National Assembly condemns the obstruction of the repatriation of the Armenian prisoners of war as part of Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian and hostile policies,” Taguhi Tovmasyan added.

Luiza Sukiasyan

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