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‘There is no Europe without Ukraine’ – President Charles Michel completes his visit to Donbas and Kyiv

March 04,2021 17:30

EU NEIGHBOURS. The European Union will fully support the diplomatic efforts to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and continue to back the conflict resolution efforts taken by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said President of the European Council Charles Michel at a press conference following his meeting with the country’s leadership.

On 3 March, Charles Michel completed his two-day trip to Ukraine, which started with a visit to Donbas on 2 March.

“There is no Europe without Ukraine. We share common values: democracy, rule of law, respect for international law, and human rights. The EU is Ukraine’s most reliable partner,” said Charles Michel.

The President reaffirmed the European Union’s solidarity with the Ukrainian people in the face of COVID-19. Не also visited a vaccination centre. Michel reminded that the EU has already provided €190 million for Ukraine to fight the pandemic along with €1.2 billion of Macro-Financial Assistance. “The COVAX Facility, massively supported by the EU, has allocated a significant amount of vaccines to Ukraine. I will personally engage to speed up the delivery,” stressed Michel.

He also reaffirmed the EU’s unwavering support to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, within its internationally recognised borders. “We want to support your platform initiative for Crimea, this meeting is fixed for the month of August”, said Michel.

The European Council President added that EU remained committed to strengthening the political association and economic integration of Ukraine with the European Union: “The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is the most ambitious, comprehensive agreement the EU has with another country.” The EU will also continue to develop bilateral sectoral cooperation, including through support to the digital economy and the green agenda, and support at full speed the reform process and the fight against corruption.


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