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‘This holiday is marked with special warmth and respect, which testifies to the special role played by women in our society and their invaluable contribution’: Nikol Pashinyan

March 08,2021 17:08

PM Nikol Pashinyan’s Congratulatory Message on March 8

Dear women,

I sincerely congratulate you on International Women’s Day – March 8. This holiday is marked with special warmth and respect, which testifies to the special role played by women in our society and their invaluable contribution. It is also a token of respect and boundless love on the part of your husbands, brothers, fathers and sons.

I especially want to bow to the memory of our female servicemen and volunteers, who gave their lives for the Motherland in the 44-day war. I wish to pay respect to our women, whose heroic sons, husbands and brothers fell heroically in the Artsakh war.

I would also like to warmly congratulate those women whose sons, husbands and brothers are still standing at our borders fulfilling their patriotic duty, as well as the women who stood or continue to stand at the forefront of the defense of the Motherland. The courage and patriotism shown by themselves, as well as by their sons, husbands and brothers will set a brilliant example to future generations.

Dear women,

On the occasion of the day of protection of your rights, I consider it important to note that a lot has to be done to enhance women’s standing and role in our country, ensure equal rights and equal opportunities for them. It should be noted that the government is making consistent efforts in this direction. Our task is to provide such opportunities as will allow you to show your creative abilities, knowledge and skills, feel protected and estimated.

The strong Armenian family and our best national traditions are preserved owing to you. Through immense dedication and tremendous strength, you have managed to raise well-educated and patriotic generations for our nation.

Dear women, mothers, sisters, and daughters,

I once again congratulate all of you on this wonderful holiday. I wish you homely warmth, good mood, professional achievements and new initiatives.



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