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“Mercedes-Benz” ran off the roadway and collided with the billboard pole

March 22,2021 16:33

On March 21, at 23:54 an emergency call was received to Armavir regional crisis management center that a car collided with billboard pole at the crossroad of Yerevanyan and Mashtots streets of Armavir town.

Two fire units from the Fire and Rescue Squad of Regional Rescue Department of the Rescue Service of the MES of RA dispatched to the scene.

It turned out that “Mercedes-Benz” (driver H. H.) ran off the roadway and collided with the billboard pole.

Before the rescuers arrived at the scene the passengers (M. B. born in 1986, E. T. born in 1987 and one unidentified passenger) were removed to the medical center to Armavir town, where doctors assessed M. B.’s condition as satisfactory, E. T. was removed to “Erebouni” medical center, where doctors assessed his condition as serious and unidentified passenger died on the way to hospitalization.

The rescuers took the dead body of driver out of the car, blocked off the scene and disconnected the automotive battery.

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia

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