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Did Azerbaijanis throw stones? Law enforcement bodies are silent

April 06,2021 23:09

Azerbaijanis threw stones at an Armenian car passing along the Meghri-Yerevan highway several days ago. The mayor of Kapan, Gevorg Parsyan, told Aravot Daily during a phone call that he is unable to say the car model. “They only informed me about the incident. I do not know the details at this time,” he said.

According to Parsyan, Azerbaijanis threw stones toward the road and at the car from the Davit Bek-Shurnukh position. This portion is under the control of the Russian peacekeepers.

Currently, the Meghri-Yerevan highway is fully operational. No other incidents have been reported. We also attempted to find out more information from taxi drivers who drive along the Kapan-Yerevan road every day. It is interesting to note that none of the taxi drivers interviewed by Aravot Daily were aware of the incident. According to them, if it were a serious incident, they would have been more aware. They said that sometimes, large stones hit their cars as a result of harsh winds, but that cannot be compared to having someone deliberately throw stones at a car.

Armen Davtyan

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