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It is proposed to create Anti-Corruption and Appellate Anti-Corruption Courts by the legislative package

April 07,2021 16:56

On April 7, the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan was held. Before beginning the sitting, the Committee Chair congratulated the women on Motherhood and Beauty Day.

According to the RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan, the package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Constitutional Law the RA Judicial Code and the enclosed presented draft laws was debated in the second reading.

It was noted that a number of amendments of content and technical character after passing in the first reading were implemented.

It is proposed to create Anti-Corruption and Appellate Anti-Corruption Courts by the legislative package, as a result of which a specialized examination of corruption cases will be ensured promoting the increase of the efficiency of the fight against anti-corruption.

The revised package was endorsed by the proposals of the Government.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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