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Spring awakening in National Assembly Park. Ten gardeners are involved in the decoration works of the park

April 08,2021 21:23

At the beginning of spring the improvement works are going on in the National Assembly Park. From early morning on the whole territory of the Parliament Park the most taciturn employees of the NA Staff – the gardeners, take out new kinds of plants from the greenhouses and plant in the soils cultivated beforehand. The growers clean, loosen the soil, reaped the grass-covered parts, prick the trees with care and give new life to one of the most beautiful parks of Yerevan. The gardener Sima Abgaryan observed the mood and the appetite of the plants during the whole winter.

In autumn the specialists again bring the evacuated and carefully kept in the whole wintertime different kinds of plants for growing under the direct rays of sun. The plants are very sensitive, the gardeners know the character of each of them, while planting in the soil they take into consideration all details beginning from weather conditions to availability for shadow.

Agaves and yukas have already left the greenhouse for carpet decorations. These kinds are not cold-resistant; it is always warm in their homeland. The NA employees are specialized in taking care of sub-tropical plants, until now no plant has been frozen. Moreover, the agaves even managed to grow in multitude in the wintertime.

Among different kinds of trees the purple Jewish tree registered in the Red Book has its special place. Despite its non-proper name, the Jewish tree lives rather friendly with other trees in the park.

There are the tallest and slender sequoias and silk acacias in the rows of other trees.

As Sima Abgaryan has noted in her talk with us, the plants growing in the greenhouse make beautiful not only the park, but also the NA offices. The gardener does not complain about the employees of the parliament. She says that they cultivate the room plants with care and love. But there are cases, when the flowers need special care. In this case the plants again come to the greenhouse and “get rehabilitated” in the conditions of special temperature, then to go back to the office.

Ten gardeners are involved in the decoration works of the park. They don’t have any division of work.

They equally prick the trees and take care of plants and water the park.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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