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Joint conference on global challenges and threats in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

April 12,2021 12:50

The PACE Political Affairs Committee will organise an international conference on 15 April by videoconference on “Global challenges and threats in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic: terrorism and violent extremism”, together with the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, as well as the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism. This conference is a follow-up of its previous edition in April 2019).

For its part, PACE will organise and moderate a session on “Democracies facing the Covid-19 pandemic” which is open for participation to all Assembly members and will be live-streamed on 15 April from 1 to 3 pm via this link. The main themes will focus on the functioning of democratic institutions, in particular Parliaments, and upholding human rights in times of pandemics, the humanitarian consequences of the Covid-19 for migrants and refugees, as well as the ethical, legal and practical considerations regarding vaccines.

Participants will include parliamentarians and academics.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

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