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EU4Youth round table to focus on youth opportunities in Armenia: strengthening youth employment, entrepreneurship and participation

April 13,2021 22:49

EU NEIGHBOURS . Youth opportunities in Armenia will be the central theme of an online round table organised by the EU4Youth Programme over three days on 13-15 April, aimed at local, national and international stakeholders in youth work and youth policy. The event seeks to raise awareness on these core themes, share best practices, and discuss new opportunities to enhance cooperation on youth employment entrepreneurship and participation in Armenia.

The round table is organised by the EU-funded EU4Youth Programme, in partnership with the EU Delegation to Armenia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia.

In the format of a round-table discussion, the three-day event will include the three core sessions:

The agenda includes presentations by EU and Armenian officials, EU4Youth Programme representatives, and organisations specialised in youth policy, advocacy and youth social entrepreneurship.

Participants of the round table include representatives from public institutions dealing with youth issues, youth organisations, selected youth and education practitioners and their social partners, representatives from the EU Delegation, EU Member State representatives, youth policy experts and researchers, EU4Youth grant holders and related EU bilateral and regional projects, as well as selected international development partners.

The meeting is expected to bring increased understanding of the youth policy strategy, instruments and practices being developed and implemented in Armenia with the support of the European Union. Input from stakeholders will shape further opportunities for cooperation and best practices. The event will bring together key stakeholders working on youth policy in Armenia to coordinate and collaborate on future EU4Youth activities.

The EU4Youth Programme was launched by the European Union in 2017 to empower young people in the Eastern partner countries. As part of the Eastern Partnership, EU4Youth fosters the active participation of young people in society and their employability, by developing youth leadership and entrepreneurship through a variety of actions, including capacity building, fellowships, and support to policy dialogue, as well as by providing grants to organisations active in these areas.

Photo: European Union

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