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Minister of Foreign Affairs Ara Aivazian opens Armenia’s Chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

April 22,2021 10:23

VIENNA/YEREVAN, 21 April 2021 — Armenia will aim to rebuild trust and confidence to protect OSCE principles and commitments and prevent further erosion of the OSCE security environment, said Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ara Aivazian, as he opened the country’s Chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) today.

“Armenia is taking over the Chairmanship of the Forum for the second time after 17 years. Back then FSC’s preventive measures aimed at reducing the risk of armed conflicts and the threat of such conflicts set the tone of our Chairmanship’s agenda,” Aivazian said. “Today, Armenia assumes the Chairmanship of the Forum when the security, peace, and stability in the OSCE area is being challenged like never before due to several factors.”

He outlined new, emerging challenges, such as the use of foreign terrorist fighters in the OSCE area, and how disagreements have “seriously damaged” the integrity of arms control regimes and confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs). He emphasized the “decline and erosion” of global multilateralism and how the use of force in the conflicts and crises in the OSCE region is undermining the Helsinki Final Act and OSCE commitments and principles.

Calling for a reassessment of the work of OSCE executive structures and the implementation of OSCE commitments, particularly in the politico-military dimension, Aivazian said, “Genuine dialogue among participating States on the implementation of the OSCE commitments should be our first priority.”

“The current security environment in the OSCE area requires joint efforts, commitment, and political will to uphold the OSCE concept of comprehensive, indivisible and cooperative security,” he added, noting the motto for Armenia’s FSC Chair’s work programme, ‘Rebuilding trust and confidence through implementation of the Politico-Military Commitments’.

Referring to the work programme, Aivazian said that Armenia’s FSC Chairmanship will dedicate several sessions to arms control and CSBMs, new generation warfare, military exercises, small arms and light weapons, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 on preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

“Arms control and disarmament issues have always been in the center of the OSCE’s activities as they are key in ensuring security and stability,” he said. “Yet it is unequivocally clear that today we are experiencing a crisis in this field as many participating states believe that those regimes no longer serve their interests.”

“We need to stand back and assess the very foundation of the comprehensive and cooperative security upon which all arms control regimes were hinged.  Without clear commitments of all participating States to non-use of force and collective efforts to prevent use of force everywhere in the OSCE area, the efficiency of legally and politically binding mechanisms will be elusive,” he said.

Other sessions and Security Dialogues over the course of Armenia’s Chairmanship will focus on participating States’ commitments to international humanitarian law, as well as the part played by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in enhancing regional security arrangements and addressing current security challenges and threats. Being a priority high on the Armenian FSC Chair’s agenda, the role of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in armed and security forces will also be highlighted.

The FSC’s Tenth Annual Discussion on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security will also be held during Armenia’s FSC Chairmanship. The FSC Chair will also convene, with the Swedish OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, a joint FSC and OSCE Permanent Council meeting to explore the OSCE’s role and commitments in preventing and combating terrorism in all its forms. The FSC Chair will also lead a session on conventional arms control and CSBMs at the Annual Security Review Conference, as foreseen to be held during the Armenian FSC Chair’s tenure.

The Chairmanship of the Forum for Security Co-operation rotates three times a year. It takes the lead in setting the agenda for each meeting of the Forum and brings attention to issues concerning the implementation of commitments adopted by the Forum.



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