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It is proposed to set clear deadline for examination of cases with proceedings of compensation for damage caused to honor, dignity and business reputation

April 30,2021 16:50

On April 30, the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs chaired by Vladimir Vardanyan continued the work of the sitting interrupted the previous day.

Gevorg Petrosyan presented for debate in the first reading the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Civil Procedure Code. The author noted that the protection of honor and dignity should be carried out within reasonable time as a guarantee of the efficient protection of the rights. The study has shown that people do not protect their honor and dignity with the judicial procedure, because of its long examination. Petrosyan informed that all proposals were accepted.

The deputy Artur Davtyan in his co-report positively assessed the legislative proposal. The deputy proposed to examine the lawsuits for damage caused to honor, dignity and business reputation in the First Instance Court and solve within three months. It was proposed to present the response to the lawsuit after receiving the decision on adopting the proceedings within two weeks.

The Administrative Court should examine the presented complaint against the final judicial act and make a decision after adopting the proceedings within two months.

The Deputy Minister of Justice Vahe Danielyan has noted that the executive body is in favor of the draft law and has presented some proposals. It is proposed to set one month for adopting the proceedings by the Court of Cassation. The Deputy Minister has stated that the reason of postponing the judicial sittings is the overload of the courts.

The Committee endorsed the issue.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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