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May 9 has always been, is and will remain a holiday in our life: Vladimir Vardanyan

May 10,2021 14:00

On May 10, during the parliamentary briefings in response to the journalist’s question, the deputy of the NA deputy Vladimir Vardanyan touched upon the meaning of May 9.

“May 9 has always been, is and will remain a holiday in our life. Last year was rather hard for all of us. We should not politicize the problem, as yesterday every Armenian has mixed feelings. It was hard for everybody. In most cases we tried to survive and give a new meaning to what happened. At the same time there was life in Artsakh, because Armenians continue living, Armenian language is heard there, Artsakh is independent, and is not under control of any state. All of us will work in order the territorial integrity of Artsakh is restored, because it is one of the political and national innermost goals,” Vardanyan underlined.

National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

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