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Discussing the possibilities of implementing a joint scientific-technological program. President Armen Sarkissian visited the Skolkovo Innovation Centre in Moscow

May 14,2021 21:54

In Moscow, on a working visit, the President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian visited the “Skolkovo” Innovation Centre. It is Russia’s largest innovative ecosystem, where more than three thousand technology companies, startups, and research groups of prominent Russian and foreign partner companies operate.

Arkady Dvorkovich, the President of the Skolkovo Foundation and President of the World Chess Federation (FIDE), acquainted the President of Armenia with the projects implemented at Skolkovo and forthcoming programs aimed at expanding the Innovation Centre.

President Armen Sarkissian toured the laboratories of some companies operating in the technopark, specializing in the latest technologies, digitalization of the healthcare sector, diagnosis of oncological diseases, molecular-genetic examinations, renewable energy, and other spheres, as well as visited the offices of the leading companies: Boeing, the leading aerospace company, and Fanuc, engaged in automatized production. The President of the Republic met with the representatives of some startups operating in the territory of the technopark. The latter stated that they are interested in exporting their products to the Armenian market and expanding activities in Armenia.

The President of the Republic Armen Sarkissian also visited the scientific core of the technopark, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, which is engaged in the elaboration and development of technological innovations. Rector Alexander Kuleshov acquainted President Armen Sarkissian with the infrastructural possibilities of the Institute, educational and innovative projects. “We will be happy to establish contacts with Armenia and the Armenian scientific community,” said Kuleshov. During the tour, the President met with a group of scientists working at the Institute, who presented their elaborations in the field of artificial intelligence and telecommunications. President Sarkissian noted that the scientific and educational environment of Armenia had inherited the best traditions of the Soviet years. “There are many talented young people in Armenia, also a good school of mathematics, physics and natural sciences. We have immense interests in information technologies. I will be happy if we can implement a joint program with the Skolkovo Scientific-Technological Institute,” said President Sarkissian, presenting the ATOM Presidential Initiative, which aims at developing the latest technologies and artificial intelligence in Armenia.

The Office to the President of the Republic of Armenia

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