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The slogan should be reconciliation

May 26,2021 12:08

I do not remember any pre-election period in the history of the Third Republic of Armenia when the struggle was so tough and severe. Of course, power is a sweet thing, and maintaining or receiving it has always been perceived by election participants as extremely important and crucial.

Over the past 31 years, I have heard very tough and uncompromising statements. But this time, the maintenance or seizure of power for Pashinyan and Kocharyan has literally turned into a matter of life or death. The representatives of their teams are threatening to eliminate each other, and they are inclined to carry out those threats.

Really, what should be done with “traitors,” “capitulators,” and “thieves” to play by the rules used by the government and the opposition in developed countries? Of course not. They must be destroyed. If not physically, then politically, and they will never appear in that arena again. And the problem is not that Kocharyan and Pashinyan and those around them think so. Tens of thousands of people share that opinion. And this means that the elections will not bring stability and peace to our country. Unfortunately, that is the scenario that is necessary for Turkey and Azerbaijan in order to continue their violations against our state.

When Azerbaijan lost to us in 1994, Heydar Aliyev, an experienced, balanced figure who enjoyed authority in various international circles and within Azerbaijan, was in power.

When we lost in 2020, Pashinyan was at the helm of our country, an inexperienced, unbalanced, extremely impulsive leader who did not count his steps and had no authority abroad. True, he has a certain reputation inside the country. But his main electorate is, so to speak, very unique. It is not passionate, it is indifferent to the state and the homeland. After the defeat, Aliyev was able to ensure internal stability and, taking advantage of the controversy of foreign players, he was able to avoid a “final settlement” of the defeat.

Pashinyan, on the other hand, is quickly going on the path to concessions, and the current president of Azerbaijan is “rushing” him because he is not sure that the current prime minister will be re-elected after the elections. Internal division, enmity, and incitement to hatred are the “natural environment” of Pashinyan’s activities. But the same environment is “close to Kocharyan’s heart.” And if such an atmosphere is maintained after the elections, the losses will continue.

That is why, I think, the main propaganda thesis of the political forces should be the reconciliation and solidarity of all parties. If I had to, I would choose one motto for all sane people: reconciliation.

Aram Abrahamyan

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