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‘According to Google Maps, Azerbaijan has infiltrated Armenian territory in many areas along the Armenia-Nakhichevan border, and this situation has existed for 30 years’: Andreas Ghukasyan

May 29,2021 20:10

“If you look at Google Maps, you will see that Azerbaijan has infiltrated Armenian territory in many areas along the Armenia-Nakhichevan border, and this situation has existed for 30 years. All of their positions are in our territory, starting with the Meghri border until almost Yeraskhavan. There is one section where the situation is the opposite. This is just so that everyone knows. This situation has always existed. The same goes for Tavush,” Andreas Ghukasyan said during a discussion on the topic “Prospects for resolving border situations.”

He asked who will be held responsible for the six soldiers who were taken prisoner? “The Prime Minister’s responsibility is to appeal to the UN Security Council. Armenia has never taken advantage of that before the war, during the war, or after the war. I do not want to provide an evaluation as to why. Time will pass and law enforcement bodies will give their evaluations. Now, the activities are very clear, and it cannot remain unpunished. They captured our soldiers; who is responsible? We know Azerbaijan is, but on our side, who is responsible: the military base commander who made the wrong decision, the unit commander, the chief of staff, the corps commander? Did anyone wave a leaf? No, six people were captured. Then what? No one is responsible. A soldier was killed, no one is responsible. By giving those soldiers up, do we want to protect Armenia’s borders? Whoever is not in their place must resign. Criminal cases must be opened for those people to be held responsible. It is only through an iron fist that we will be able to establish lawfulness in this country.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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