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‘Onik Gasparyan will still have to answer for Shushi’: Nikol Pashinyan

June 05,2021 20:30

 “The former chief of staff is making terrible statements. Now, you may ask why I put them in those positions. There is one clear reason: I couldn’t bring generals from other countries, so I had to choose one of our own,” Nikol Pashinyan announced in Abovyan. “I consulted with soldiers when appointing the chief of staff. They said there are two people who can be the chief of staff. I appointed them. All the lies they spread about me. That person (referring to Onik Gasparyan- N.G.) whom I appointed colonel-general denies what he said in the presence of 10 people.

Onik Gasparyan will still have to answer for Shushi. To me… not to me, but he will have to explain in court why the group sent to help in Shushi was late by a day and a half,” Nikol Pashinyan said, adding that his team’s opponents believe that he will avoid speaking about different incidents after November 9th. “No, we must reveal this story down to the last detail. If our people find that I must be shot by a firing squad, I will stand next to that wall with my head bowed.

They say that nothing will be revealed if this government remains. On the contrary- if this government does not remain, nothing will be revealed because all the cowards and rats have gathered so they can solve their issues. Don’t pay attention to their bragging; they are scared like dogs.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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