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‘These authorities are the ones who will hand over Meghri’: Robert Kocharyan

June 07,2021 15:50

“These authorities are the ones who will hand over Meghri,” the second President of Armenia and leader of the Armenia alliance, Robert Kocharyan, said during a meeting with voters in Agarak on Monday, recalling rumors that have been spreading for over two decades that Kocharyan will hand over Meghri.

Robert Kocharyan said that he is not against unblocking the roads in the region, but that is one thing, and providing a one-way corridor to Azerbaijan through Meghri is quite another. Robert Kocharyan also spoke about the free trade zone through Meghri, recalling with irony that it has already been opened three times, but it is not used. He was informed that there is no corresponding legislative field. He thinks that after ensuring the relevant legislative field, at least one large investor should be persuaded and brought in, and one or two years later, “They will wait in line, looking for someone they know to help them enter that market.” Robert Kocharyan recalled that when he last came to Syunik, issues related to the development of the mining industry were discussed. Today, the mining industry is developing here. According to him, there are problems, but they are in the sphere of business and social responsibility.

According to Robert Kocharyan, 80 thousand people have emigrated from Armenia in the last 4 months. “Such statistics have not existed in Armenia for the last 25 years,” said Robert Kocharyan, also speaking about economic decline and other indicators. In this situation, he believes that changes are necessary, and the change is to have a strong Armenia. In Agarak in particular, according to him, a stable irrigation system is needed for agriculture to develop as well. Here, Robert Kocharyan also sees opportunities for the development of tourism, which can be an alternative for the locals to “hope” for the development of the mining industry.

Speaking about security issues, Robert Kocharyan said, “Years ago, they said Karabakh is a burden for Armenia, we must hand it over so that we can live in peace. After losing those territories, it became clear what they meant for Armenia.” Robert Kocharyan drew parallels with similar problems in the world and concluded. “With the Aikido technique, we must reverse the shortcomings and turn them into advantages for us. Believe me, it is possible.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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