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‘Let me say something strange: I see more opportunities to resolve the Artsakh issue in accordance with our desires today’: Pashinyan

June 08,2021 21:01

The Civil Contract campaign in the Aragatsotn province continues. The acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan spoke about demarcation and delimitation activities in the Aragatsavan community, saying, “Do not be afraid of those terms, people, because a demarcated and delimited border in the 21st century means to build a gate around your own fortress.

” He urged people not to believe it when they’re told that Pashinyan wants to hand over something. “If you yourselves, as people and as citizens, would take that step, then I would do the same. If you wouldn’t do it, then I also wouldn’t.”

Regarding the Artsakh conflict resolution, Pashinyan said, “Essentially, the content of negotiations from 1996 until 2018 only gave us one opportunity: the path of giving Artsakh to Azerbaijan in phases. Let me say something strange, but I want you to know: yes, even in a somewhat tough and wounded situation, I see more opportunities to resolve the Artsakh issue in accordance with our desires today than four years ago. I am saying something strange, but believe me.” He said that he cannot give details, but he will say two things: the necessity of restoring the negotiations process to determine the final status of Artsakh within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group was noted. And we can imagine that after all of these events, the opportunities for implementing the “separation for salvation” formula have significantly increased.

Hripsime Jebejyan

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