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‘What do you want from Russia when you haven’t even recognized Artsakh?’: Vanetsyan’s response to Solovyov’s question

June 09,2021 20:02

In an interview with Russian TV journalist and commentator Vladimir Solovyov asked the former director of the National Security Service and the I Have Honor alliance’s candidate for prime minister, Artur Vanetsyan, about the alliance’s approach toward Russia. “Russia is our ally. Armenia cannot have a better ally. We must have direct relations with Russia because Russia cannot stand liars. After coming to power, we must discuss the issue of closer cooperation,” Artur Vanetsyan answered.

Then Solovyov asked whom Crimea belongs to. Artur Vanetsyan answered that it belongs t o Russia, and the majority of the Crimean people decided to join Russia. “The will of the people is inviolable; it must be respected by all. But let’s look at a comparison. In the 1990s, the people of Artsakh also made a determination, but the will of the people was not defended. Russia defended some countries, but the recent war showed that two of the principles underlying the settlement of the conflict were not defended: the use of force and the right to self-determination.”

Vladimir Solovyov countered, “What do you want from Russia when you yourself did not recognize Artsakh as a part of Armenia?” Artur Vanetsyan first mentioned that the former government did not recognize Artsakh in order not to leave the negotiation process so that the issue would be resolved peacefully. “But there was a plan: in case Azerbaijan launched military operations, Armenia would have recognized Artsakh. Nikol Pashinyan, who is now known as a capitulator, did not find strength or literacy, or maybe he did nothing deliberately and did not recognize Artsakh.”

Vladimir Solovyov noted, “The capitulator says that it should be given to Turkey, to make friends with the latter.”  Vanetsyan responded with a question, “And what has changed in Turkey in terms of their attitudes towards Armenia and Armenians? The Turkish slaughterhouse that existed during the Genocide turned into a Turkish ‘bayraktar’ in 2020. Turkey’s goal was to annihilate the Armenians, and that has not changed. Unfortunately, the government contributes to the implementation of Turkey’s goals.”

Vladimir Solovyov stressed that in this situation, many people are now making anti-Russian statements and propaganda in Armenia. Artur Vanetsyan stated that a part of the political forces participating in the elections now has also taken that path․  “Because for three years, the capitulator was spoiling relations with Russia. He says he has good relations with Vladimir Putin, but is constantly negotiating with others. Yes, France is Armenia’s ally, but let’s not forget what Russia is for us. Of course, France is our ally, but there is no need to be allies with Russia at its expense. In general, it is not right to have good relations with one country at the expense of another.”

Luiza Sukiasyan

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