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Voter turnout at 26.82% as of 2 pm

June 20,2021 16:44

The Central Electoral Commission says 26.82% of voters (or 695,626 citizens) cast their ballot in the snap parliamentary elections as of 2pm.

The voter turnout in Yerevan and the regions is as follows:

Yerevan – 251,504 citizens or 29.28%

Aragatsotn – 28,987 citizens or 24.68%

Ararat – 58,767 citizens or 26.31%

Lori – 61,081 citizens or 26.15%

Kotayk – 66, 645 citizens or 27.54%

Shirak – 46,969 citizens or 21.15%

Syunik – 36,619 citizens or 33.37%

Vayots Dzor – 13,568 citizens or 29.1%

Tavush – 32,682 citizens or 29.79%

Armavir – 51, 536 citizens or 21.85%

Gegharkunik – 46, 268 citizens or 24.41%

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