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49.4% of voters participate in Armenia parliamentary elections

June 20,2021 21:21

The Central Electoral Commission says 49.4% of voters (or 1,281,174 citizens) cast their ballot in the snap parliamentary elections as of 5pm.

The voter turnout in Yerevan and the regions is as follows:

Yerevan – 443,846 citizens or 51.55%

Aragatsotn – 58,737 citizens or 50%

Ararat – 113,625 citizens or 50.87%

Amavir – 104,880 citizens or 44.47%

Gegharkunik – 86,173 citizens or 45.47%

Lori – 109,141 citizens or 46.73%

Kotayk – 121,212 citizens or 50.08%

Shirak – 93,510 citizens or 41.24%

Syunik – 66,252 citizens or 60.38%

Vayots Dzor – 26,132 citizens or 56.05%

Tavush – 58,666 citizens or 53.48%

A total of 2,593,572 citizens were eligible to vote in the election.

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