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Nikol Pashinyan says his party will have constitutional majority in the Parliament and will form Government

June 21,2021 10:15

Armenia’s acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has said his Civil Contract Party will have constitutional majority and will form government, after the Central Electoral Commission announced results from all polling stations.

“According to the preliminary results of the elections as published by the Central Electoral Commission, in the newly-elected parliament the Civil Contract party will have a constitutional majority (at least 71 MPs out of 105) and will form a government led by me,” Pashinyan said in a Twitter post.

According to preliminary results, the Civil Contact has received 53.92 % of the vote, the Armenia Alliance comes second with 21,04 %, I Have the Honor Alliance is third with 5.23 % of the vote.

Prosperous Armenia Party and Republic Party have received 3.96 % and 3.04 % of the votes, respectively.

According to the Central Electoral Commission, 49.4% of voters (or 1,281,174 citizens) cast their ballot in the snap parliamentary elections.

A total of 2,593,572 citizens were eligible to vote in the election.

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