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CIS, CSTO observers report on major violations during Armenia elections

June 21,2021 13:00 Observers from the Collective Security Treaty Organization believe that the early parliamentary elections in Armenia were held in full compliance with the country’s legislation, Kanybek Imanaliev, coordinator of the observation mission from the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the CSTO, told а press conference on Monday.

“The elections were organized and held in full compliance with the country’s legislation. Of course, there are no perfect elections, there were shortcomings. For example, yesterday morning we were at the polling station, where we did not see a single party representative. We also recommended the CEC polling stations in foreign countries. According to our estimates, under the conditions of the pandemic, the turnout of 49.4% reflects the mood of the voters,” he said.

Snap parliamentary elections in Armenia were held in accordance with the electoral legislation of the republic, said the head of the CIS observation mission Ilkhom Nematov. “The voting was held in accordance with the requirements of the electoral code. Observers from the CIS did not record any major violations that could affect the results of the elections,” he said.

Nematov informed that the mission visited more than 800 polling stations across Armenia.

The early parliamentary elections in Armenia were very competitive, Igor Komarovsky said.

“If the results, which testify to a convincing gap, remain unchanged, I characterize this as the choice of the Armenian people, who really had who to choose from. The competition in these elections was more than high, and the wise Armenian people made their choice,” Komarovsky said.

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