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The authorities shot the final bullets of the revolution: Robert Kocharyan

June 22,2021 15:30

“We must confess that the results were unexpected for us. They were unexpected for a lot of people, first of all due to the fact that all surveys showed a different picture. Including in the same Gallup, which cannot be doubted in sympathy for me,” the second President of Armenia and the Armenia alliance’s candidate for Prime Minister, Robert Kocgaryan, said during a press conference on Tuesday, adding that they must try to find the explanation for all of this.

Kocharyan said that they assume that nevertheless, there were mass violations, and mass usage of administrative resources was registered, due to which the voting results will be disputed in the Constitutional Court. At the moment, the materials are being collected by the headquarters, and the lawyers will work on the package to appeal to the court. The volume of the appeal will be clear in a few days. “This was probably the last bullet of the revolution, but I do not think the government is right about the situation. They more so think that this is a new mandate for them, but this was the mandate coming from the opposite side,” Kocharyan said.

He also referred to the post-election discussions about suffering and losing, saying that he also noticed a drop in the mood of their supporters. “This is not a presidential election where the prize is the same – there is a winner and a loser. In the parliamentary elections, those who do not enter the parliament lose.”

Nelly Grigoryan


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