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Guarantee Artsakh’s physical security and establish its legal status: Statement by The Future Armenian Initiative Group

June 23,2021 12:02

Statement by The FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative on the Parliamentary Elections in the Republic of Armenia

We congratulate the citizens of Armenia on concluding snap Parliamentary elections during these difficult times for the country. We are hopeful that the representatives of the elected parties will serve by working hard to ensure solidarity across all Armenians, overcoming unprecedented challenges to strengthen our state and nation.

While these elections and the expression of the will of Armenia’s citizens are important, there are other critical issues to be addressed by all Armenians worldwide. Among other goals, we must assure Armenia’s sovereignty; counter isolation and gain relevance through strategic partnerships regionally and globally; guarantee Artsakh’s physical security and establish its legal status; foster a competitive economy that attracts human and financial capital; and transform the relationship between Armenia and the Diaspora into one based on mutualism and trust.

We are certain that this vision will be possible with good governance, under which all stakeholders are working collectively and abiding by evidence-based decision-making while looking for efficient and sustainable solutions. The FUTURE ARMENIAN initiative through its 15 goals is committed and ready to assume its part of the collective responsibility of envisioning the future of our nation and the path to successfully lead us there.

Along with the 35,000 signatories of this initiative, we look forward to helping kickstart our nation-building process through a productive collaboration with the incoming Government, the Parliament, and all engaged stakeholders.

The FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative Group

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