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Gagik Tsarukyan was served false information: Naira Zohrabyan gives details on leaving Prosperous Armenia

June 30,2021 12:02

“I respect my past with Prosperous Armenia, and I am grateful to Gagik Tsarukyan, who brought me to the political arena and gave me the opportunity to develop as a politician. But yes, there were people within the faction who clearly worked against me and Gevorg Petrosyan. They would write posts full of dirty lies on Facebook and present those to Mr. Tsarukyan as the public’s opinion of Naira Zohrabyan and Gevorg Petrosyan,” Naira Zohrabyan said during a press conference at the Hayeli press hall regarding her leaving the Prosperous Armenia party.

Regarding Prosperous Armenia’s participation in the snap parliamentary elections and not passing the necessary threshold, Naira Zohrabyan said, “Was it predictable that Prosperous Armenia would not make it to parliament? I didn’t predict that it wouldn’t pass the five percent threshold. I knew that the party would gather a small number of votes.

My prediction was 6-7 percent. When Tsarukyan was asking for social surveys, I know the young people who would carry out those surveys and tell Tsarukyan that 26-27 percent supported them. I know that some people, after securing their spot on the list, the first ten candidates on the list would go to the regions and see the problems. I would tell them to tell Mr. Tsarukyan.

They would say, ‘Do we need to? We’re in the top five anyways, we are already in parliament. They served Gagik Tsarukyan with the comfortable lie. One of them would tell me not to tell the truth, and to say what he wanted to hear. My dear Mr. Tsarukyan, do you remember how during our last conversation, I told you that I won’t lie and I will always tell you the truth? Unfortunately, people next to us preferred sugar-coated lies. Prosperous Armenia remained undefended against the naked truth. One person said that they will bring 15,000 votes, another said 8,000, and as a result, they brought the smallest numbers. But if the political team and Gagik Tsarukyan knew about the problems and weak spots, they would have worked.”

Nelly Grigoryan

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