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54 percent ‘closed’ the Artsakh issue

July 09,2021 13:11

It is clear that by giving Pashinyan a mandate of confidence, 54% of our citizens once again “rejected the former regime,” and a lot has been said about it. But it is not only the “former regime” that has been rejected. The foundation on which the Third Republic was created has been put into question.

By their choice, the mentioned 54% stated that they were no longer interested in the Artsakh issue, that it was really a burden from which they were tired.

It is clear that the grandmother who kissed Pashinyan’s hands during the election campaign did not make such a statement, but I am sure that our 687,251 citizens, in the end, expressed their attitude to the issue that has been considered the main and most important in Armenia for 33 years.

Of course, this issue was also manipulated; it justified illegalities, and this is one of the reasons for such indifference. My claim of indifference may sound harsh, but when those people actually say, “We lost, then what?” I cannot comment. You can also say that 687,251 are not the majority of the Armenian people. But the democratic process takes into account the results of the elections, not the will expressed or not expressed by the others.

The group of intellectuals that “occupied” Freedom Square in 1988, and then the whole of Armenia, was called the “Karabakh” Committee. It was not called the Anti-Corruption Committee, the Social Justice Committee, or even the Independent Armenia Committee.

The whole history of the Third Republic, until 2018, was under the motto of keeping Artsakh Armenian and not depopulating it.  Three years ago, it was stated that the priorities had changed, and that change was best expressed by Pashinyan with his revolution. He became the first leader of Armenia who had nothing to do with the Karabakh issue, and that was the beginning of the process, the main result of which was registered on November 10, 2020, and which will be completed in the next 1-2 years.

Why did 54% give Pashinyan a mandate?  The steel, the hammer, the punishment of the former are all “lyrics,” a propaganda cloak. On June 20, Pashinyan received the mandate to close the Artsakh issue, recognize it as part of Azerbaijan, and provide Turkey with a corridor through the Syunik region. That, in fact, was what Putin was talking about in his conversation with the acting prime minister. Have you gained the trust of the people? Then do what we support you for.

There are definitely people among that 54% who sincerely do not want everything to go this way. But everyone should be responsible for their choice and “enjoy” the results.

By the way, when Pashinyan does what Erdogan and Aliyev demand from him through Putin, he will no longer be interesting to international players. But that circumstance does not comfort me at all.

Aram Abrahamyan

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