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Nikol Pashinyan meets with leaders of extra-parliamentary political forces

July 10,2021 14:49

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan today met with the leaders of about a dozen extra-parliamentary political forces.

The meeting was attended by Liberal Party Chairman Samvel Babayan, Progressive-Centrist Alliance Party Chairman Tigran Urikhanyan, Fair Armenia Party Chairman Norayr Norikyan, Sovereign Armenia Party Chairman David Sanasaryan, Democratic Party representative Tigran Arzakantsyan, European Party of Armenia Chairman Tigran Khzmalyan, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party of Armenia Levon Shirinyan, United Motherland Party Chairman Mher Terteryan, Conservative Party Chairman Mikayel Hayrapetyan and Head of the Social- Democratic Hnchakyan Party Armenia Office Sedrak Achemyan.

Nikol Pashinyan thanked those present for accepting the invitation. “I wish to inform you from a purely organizational point of view that there was a preliminary agreement with other parties as well, but Mr. Sargsyan, the Chairman of the Republic Party and Edmon Marukyan, the Chairman of the Prosperous Armenia Party are not in the country. Nevertheless, we decided to hold this meeting as we had agreed to hold the first such meeting within 15 days.

Today we need to agree on further action, since as agreed, the first meeting should be purely organizational in order to hear your opinions on how we will work. We shall try to set up a permanent format with my participation and representatives of extra-parliamentary forces. We see it as a platform for discussing issues high on the agenda of our public and political life, economic issues, etc. In a word, we have to build a brainstorming platform where we can discuss all possible issues,” Nikol Pashinyan noted.

The meeting discussed the activities to be held in this format, issues related to agenda formation and proceedings. The first meeting with the participation of Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and involving the leaders of extra-parliamentary political forces will be held in the near future.

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