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They are tired of ‘patriotism’

July 13,2021 13:17

The majority of Armenians like “rabiz” music. This can be treated with snobbish contempt, and one can calmly admit that it’s all the same, this is my people, and try to gently oppose it with their own preferences and tastes.

And the approach to the political position of the majority should be the same. Artsakh has long been, so to speak, the “official” ideology of Armenia. People felt obliged not only from high podiums, but also in narrow, family environments, to say “well, it’s our land, it is our homeland, we will not give it to the Turks, we have shed blood” and so on.

But as soon as the opportunity arose in 2018, the need for that patriotic robe disappeared. The majority of people, sometimes using their “national” rhetoric just for show, started saying, “Oh well, what is that to us?” And with that in mind, having 4,000 casualties does not cause shock. We must accept that the majority of active citizens think that way, taking into account the results of the recent parliamentary elections. Any other explanation, I think, is self-deception.

Those who think like that are not monsters. Among them are kind, caring, devoted, and brilliant people in the workplace. They should not be insulted, labeled, looked down upon, “oh, we are so good, patriotic, and they…” First, it is necessary to understand why they are so indifferent and often also unfriendly (to put it mildly) towards Artsakh and the people of Artsakh. I believe that one of the main reasons is that the authorities have been telling them for the past two decades, “deal with our arbitrariness for Artsakh’s sake,” and the word “patriotism” was inextricably linked to the word “robbery.” As soon as they had the opportunity to get out from under that burden, they revolted against that “patriotism,” and they got over that headache and, unfortunately, lost their minds.

Therefore, it should be calmly and patiently explained to them that without Artsakh, Armenia will not be of any geopolitical interest to anyone. It may maintain its formal status, but it will become a fourth state, which in turn will have serious economic consequences and, consequently, affect the quality of their lives. They keep asking, “When is this country going to improve?” And that question, I think, is the “prelude” to packing.

And once again, it is not necessary to be strictly judgmental towards emigrants. I would say again that it is better to stop them from taking that step. But in this case, to be honest, I have no convincing arguments.

Aram Abrahamyan

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