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If the delimitation and demarcation of borders is to begin, it must happen along with the withdrawal of Azeri soldiers: Arman Tatoyan

July 13,2021 17:47

On Tuesday, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia Arman Tatoyan, referring to the border incidents and the actions of the Azerbaijani side, said that it is important that criminal cases be initiated in connection with each incident. The ombudsman held a press conference to present the government’s shortcomings in protecting the violated rights of border residents.

“By filing criminal cases, we are providing proof in order to defend our citizens’ rights in the international arena because facts gathered by the human rights defender is one thing, but proof gathered through criminal cases is another for international courts,” Arman Tatoyan said.

In his opinion, the delimitation and demarcation of borders should not take place within such tense conditions. “In my opinion, the processes of border demarcation and delimitation cannot take place. First, that will legitimize the violations, and second, it can even cause more tension for defending the rights of residents, which continue to remain violated.”

According to the ombudsman, if the process is to begin anyway, it must happen along with the withdrawal of Azeri soldiers from Armenian territory.

According to the ombudsman, correct delimitation and demarcation is an important guarantee of human rights defense. “Although people today have legal documentation with their rights, they are deprived of the right to utilize them. Now, if we do that without withdrawing the Azeri troops, then problems will arise.”

He also said that the Azeri authorities continue to sponsor Armenophobia and animosity towards our people. “I even proved in international structures that this is animosity close to fascism.”


Lusine Budaghyan


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