Parliamentary deputy Naira Zohrabyan believes that given the current situation, the project drafted by the government to increase the amount allocated for the expenses of the deputies from 50,000 to 250,000 AMD is immoral. “Yes, the deputies should receive a decent salary, but now is not the time for that, now we have more vital problems. The bill has ridiculous reasoning that they increase the amount of money to meet with the voters. I never needed a surcharge to meet a citizen. The deputy is obliged to meet with the voters, and for that the deputies receive salaries,” Naira Zohrabyan said on Thursday in a briefing with journalists in the parliament.
She suggested that the money should be used toward treating wounded soldiers, which is possible to do overseas. “The fragmented Armenia and Artsakh have so many problems that it is immoral to give deputies additional payments. When the economy is stable and the issues are resolved, yes, we can discuss officials’ salaries.”
Naira Zohrabyan is convinced that this project is meant for the government to avoid using the sensitive word “bonus.”
Luiza Sukiasyan