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Robert Kocharyan: They are imprisoning those who defended the security of the region’s residents with weapons in their hands

July 16,2021 14:12

Second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s Facebook status:

Quite some time has passed since the President of Azerbaijan made statements threatening Armenia, and society was waiting for an appropriate response. Our state interests demand that. Unfortunately, that did not happen once again.

Fear and uncertainty are not respected in international relations. Threats to Armenia and the Armenian people require a tough, clear response. Armenia must show sufficient will to defend its territorial integrity and the dignity of its people.

It is painful to note that as long as Armenia is governed by a leader defeated in war, this degrading image will continue.

Even more, at the same time, the authorities are arresting mayors of Syunik due to their inferiority complex.

They are imprisoning those who defended the security of the region’s residents with weapons in their hands.

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