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Nikol Pashinyan familiarized with glass production process at Saranist enterprise; briefed on new brandy factory operations

July 17,2021 14:41

Accompanied by Acting Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan, Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called at Saranist company headquarters in Kotayk Marz of Armenia. The Company is engaged in glass production, and recently commissioned a new brandy factory.

The owner of the company, Melik Manukyan, introduced the glass production process and the brandy production and development programs. The Company runs 4 glass production facilities with separate furnaces, which allows the simultaneous production of glass of different colors and different purposes to comply with the market demand. Saranist uses modern technologies and equipment. There are currently about 700 people working there. Seven production lines are in place. Saranist started production of containers for wine, cognac, beer, mineral water and juices as early as in 2005. The Company exports almost half of its products to Georgia.

Touching upon the brandy production, Melik Manukyan said 7 to 10-year-old brandy will be produced, the bulk of which is to be exported. This year Saranist plans to purchase 1,500 tons of grapes. The process of concluding relevant agreements with winegrowers is underway.

Welcoming the Company’s intent to expand its activities, implement new investment programs and generate new jobs, Nikol Pashinyan assured that the Government will facilitate the effective implementation of such projects within its toolkit.

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