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‘Uphold CEC decision’: Constitutional Court publishes decision

July 17,2021 21:39

The Constitutional Court published its decision on the appeals made by the Armenia and I Have Honor alliances and the Zartonk and Armenian Homeland political parties disputing the results of the June 2021 snap parliamentary elections. The defendant in this case was the CEC, the co-defendants were the Prosecutor’s Office, the police, and the Television and Radio Commission of Armenia, and the third individual was the Civil Contract party.  Accordingly, the Constitutional Court ruled:

– To uphold the decision No. 184A of the Central Electoral Commission made on June 27, 2021 on summarizing the results of the snap parliamentary elections of the Republic of Armenia.

-This decision is final and will be put into force at the moment of publication.

Thus, the session was considered closed.  The full text of the decision will be posted on the Constitutional Court website within three days. What was read was the final part of the decision.


Luiza Sukiasyan

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