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The status of Nagorno Karabakh should be determined through negotiations, French Ambassador says

July 23,2021 15:15

The status of Nagorno Karabakh must be determined through negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, French Ambassador to Armenia Jonathan Lacôte said in an interview with Radio Liberty.

“Unless the status is determined, neither the French ambassador to Baku nor the French ambassador to Yerevan can visit Karabakh. In Baku, my colleague does not visit Shushi, just as I do not visit Stepanakert. And this is a position used by the three Minsk Group co-chair countries,” the Ambassador said.

The comments come after the Ambassadors of France, Russia, the UK and the US refused from participating an a tour to Shushi organized by Azerbaijani authorities.

“Meanwhile, France is in favor of a wider international presence in Karabakh. Now only the International Committee of the Red Cross is present there and is doing an excellent job. We believe that UN agencies are also called to be present in Nagorno Karabakh,” he noted.

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