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The commission’s conclusion is known in advance

July 28,2021 10:30

The 8th National Assembly will commence next week, and prior to that happening, the idea of establishing an investigative commission to examine the sad results of the 44-Day War has been circulating. There are not many alternative options, essentially.


  • The commission will consist of Civil Contract members and representatives of extra-parliamentary parties close to the government and generals (for example, Samvel Babayan) who have a grudge against the “former.” In that case, the commission will “prove” that Pashinyan is not guilty of anything, and the reason for the defeat is that the “former” robbed the army, sold Artsakh, and Davit Tonoyan and Onik Gasparyan mismanaged our armed forces.


  • If we just theoretically accept that the commission will include representatives of the Armenia and I Have Honor alliances and their supporters, then that structure will come to the conclusion that Nikol Pashinyan is solely to blame for the defeat.


  • The most likely option is that the commission will include representatives of all three parliamentary forces in the beginning, but over time, the opposition will see that the work is going to confirm the first option I mentioned above, and they will boycott the work of the commission. Or, as a “sub-option,” they will boycott from the very beginning.


The ideal but most improbable option I imagine is to find authoritative lawyers, political scientists, and military experts who do not pursue any political or personal interests who will give their purely expert opinion that will be acceptable to all parties. The political forces will take this conclusion seriously in order to organize their further activities. The desire to blame, punish, or insult someone (unless it is done by law enforcement) only exacerbates the controversy and does not help to uncover the truth. My option is unrealistic, because there are simply no such authoritative, mutually acceptable people in Armenia. Any idea that is not dictated by any political interest is discredited and qualified as an idea that supports one side or the other.


In short, I do not have any hopes for the commission. It is a tool of political forces to “roll the barrel” on each other. And outside the commission, I would suggest to all people with state concerns to think about the flaws of our 30 years of domestic and foreign policy, economy, and army building, which led to this disgraceful defeat.


Aram Abrahamyan

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