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Armenia alliance members carry out protest during first session of parliament: Catholicos calls for setting aside hatred and revenge to work together

August 02,2021 13:30

The first session of the 8th National Assembly took place on August 2nd, which was led by the oldest deputy, Knyaz Hasanov. The members of the Armenia alliance carried out a protest during the first session of parliament, and all the members were wearing the same shirts with pictures of detained alliance members on them.

The Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II’s speech was noteworthy. After the Lord’s Prayer, the Catholicos said, “Today, our homeland, Armenia and Artsakh, face serious external and internal challenges, including the ongoing aggression and expansionist ambitions by Azerbaijan. It is imperative to unite state figures, politicians, and the whole society, and have a high awareness of civil responsibility, universal vigilance, and integrity. We all want the security and progress of our homeland and the creation of a peaceful, prosperous life, which is largely conditioned by the activities of the legislature and the government to be formed.”

The Catholicos quoted from the Bible, “‘Blessed are those who uphold the law and do justice every hour.’ Justice and legality are the guarantees of the welfare and prosperity of the country and the people. Your legislative activity must be aimed at creating the necessary environment and opportunities for the strength, security, and dignified life of our country through the rule of justice and the rule of law.”

Referring to the current difficult situation in the country, the Catholicos said that we urgently need unity, calm, and relief from tensions instead of hatred, revenge, and divisions.

There is no alternative to national and public solidarity. First of all, love, mutual understanding, and kindness should be sown from this parliament and the governmental system. Let the criticisms voiced during the parliamentary activities be only for the purpose of building and correcting the mistakes, the debates to find the truth.  “Work together as a team with the same desire to build a bright future for our homeland and people, despite the diversity of political views and opinions.”

Hripsime Jebejyan

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